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49 - Sugar Babies Court Room
38'-0" W x 15'-6" H

72 - 42nd Street 42nd Street Theatre Interior
36'-0" W x 19'-10" H

73 - 42nd Street Arch Street Interior
40'-0" W x 20'-0" H

76 - Arch Street Exterior - 42nd Street
39'-3" W x 20'-0" H

123 - Gothic Cathedral Window - J&H
18'-6" W x 18'-3" H

421 - Toy Drop (big)
46'-0" W x 24'-0" H

425 - Funny Girl Train Station Arches
35'-0" W x 20'-0" H

433 - CFY - Brick Wall
13'-6" W x 17'-6" H

434 - Backstage
12'-0" W x 24'-0" H

460 - Barn Drop
40'-6" W x 23'-6" H

470 - Sound Of Music - Abbey Drop
40'-0" W x 20'-0" H

472 - Sound Of Music - Abbey Arches
40'-0" W x 20'-0" H

474 - Sound Of Music - Abbey Stain Glass
50'-0" W x 27'-0" H

477 - Port Authority
45'-0" W x 26'-0" H

481 - Me And My Girl - Kitchen Portal
39'-6" W x 18'-0" H

493 - MFL - Higgins Conservatory Portal
47'-0" W x 29'-0" H

504 - Singin' In The Rain -Don's Interior Drop
44'-0" W x 24'-0" H

505 - Singin' In The Rain - Arches Drop (cut drop)
35'-6" W x 21'-0" H

643 - Fezziwig Drop
40'-0" W x 22'-0" H

2007 - CFU - Saloon Drop
40'-0" W x 16'-0" H